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Make informed decisions on new courses - and launch with confidence

Our insight tells us that:

  • 27% of new courses are dropped or repurposed in the first three years.

  • 27% of new courses, which weren't dropped or remodelled in their first three years, received fewer than 10 acceptances in their first three years combined.

Course feasibility provides you with data insight to evaluate and assess new course ideas.

Backed by our data and consultancy functions, you will receive a short and easy to consume PowerPoint report with time-series insight about your chosen course title, including:

  • Market health 
  • Competitors and course sizes
  • Supply and demand
  • Qualifications and tariff
  • Demographics
  • Overlapping courses
  • Your advantages and disadvantages 
  • Your course size prediction

Reports are available to purchase individually or in bulk.

When buying in bulk, you can make use of these across the next 12 months.

Key benefits

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